March 30th, 2023, 8:42 PM
Fiction Fight Round 2 Match 1: Psycho666Soldier vs. MTR
The First round is done. Battles were fought. Legends were made.
But now the air gets thinner, and there will be one winner.
Psych vs. MTR
Psycho666Soldier brings:
Solid Snake

-Highly Intelligent: IQ of 180, Has used his outwits to outsmart more powerful and devious foes
-Military Training/Experience: Has been heavily trained in CQC and armaments, as well of years of experience enhancing both
-Stealth: Is capable of sneaking into and through the most guarded of locations, with minimal starting equipment. Has access to various devices that help his sneaking, such as a stealth suit which grants virtual invisibility. Able to convince his enemies that he's a harmless box.
Strength and Speed: Being genetically engineered from birth, Snake is more powerful than most well-trained humans. Has great speed that allows him to dodge something as fast as railgun fire.
Increased Durability
-Codex/Otacon Support: Has a codex radio that allows him to contact others through public and secret channels. Otacon is his man in the chair that provides him with information and objectives from afar.
mtr brings Drizzt Do'Urden

Drizzt Do'Urden
Drow turned Ranger
5'4" 130 lbs
Fierce warrior that uses two scimitars named Twinkle and Icingdeath. Well adapted to meaning fighting styles and weapons. Would have been a weapons master had he stayed in the Underdark. Along with his scimitars he also tends to use a bow and arrow. He does have natural ability to do magic but has chosen to not rely on magic or potions. He wears bracers of the blinding strike on his ankles to help his already natural speed. He has armor of mithral chainmail and spider silk shirt that magically protects him from most lethal attacks.
Has a figurine that allows him to call his black panther companion Guenhwyvar to his side to fight.
They will fight in SUPER MARIO BROTHERS WORLD 1-1

World 1-1 is the first level of World 1 in Super Mario Bros. The first screen of the level is also the game's title screen when starting it up. It contains the basics of the Super Mario Bros. game, getting the player ready for the journey ahead. The level consists of Magic Mushrooms, standard enemies such as Little Goombas and Koopa Troopas, a lot of coins, a hidden secret bonus area that allows the player to skip most of the level, Fire Flowers, pits, and a flagpole at the end. According to Shigeru Miyamoto, World 1-1 was one of the later levels created, due to the "fun" courses created first being more suited for late game, where players were more familiar with how Super Mario Bros. works.[1] Like all levels in Super Mario Bros., it returns in Super Mario Bros. 35, where it is known as Course 1-1.
The above text is from the Super Mario Wiki and is available under a Creative Commons license. Attribution must be provided through a list of authors or a link back to the original article. Source: https://www.mariowiki.com/World_1-1_(Super_Mario_Bros.)
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It's time to separate the Fact....from the FICTION.
March 31st, 2023, 1:31 PM
Snake takes one last drag off his cig before he is teleported to this new world. He gazes at the colorful 8-bit landscape and grins. This was perfect for him. First a familiar opponent, and now a familiar environment. His time spent in the Super Smash Bros. competitions has brought him to worlds just like this. He remembered the blocks provided powerups, and immediately contacted Otacon to help him locate exactly where each of the useful powerups would be. His first order of business would be running through and grabbing each power-up before his opponent can even find them - you never know when they might come in handy. If for whatever reason that proved easier said than done, he would make sure to make the star a priority.
Between battles, he swapped the AP sensor for a set of claymores and his SOCOM pistol for a FAMAS assault rifle. With less innocents around, this area would prove as a more flexible playground for Solid Snake. Speaking of which, let’s review Snake’s capabilities.
He is a master of stealth who has infiltrated the most well-protected facilities and survived or killed all that have tried to stop him, including the giant machines known as Metal Gears.

He has been trained since childhood in CQC(close-quarters combat) and has surpassed his masters, never losing a physical fight he can’t escape from alive.

Has incredible speed and evasive abilities that are beyond human capability.

And has faced off against many supernatural enemies, including cyborgs, vampires, psychics, and bionically and genetically enhanced soldiers.
There is no opponent that is beyond Solid Snake’s scope or expertise, and few that match his skills in weaponry. He is trained in all forms of warfare and has proven to have mastery over a wide range of military-grade equipment. No matter what his opponent brings, they will have a hard time avoiding Snake’s marksmanship. He is also clever with his equipment, already plotting to enter the secret room and set up a claymore explosive right in front of the only exit pipe.
Also as explained, Snake has high durability and pain tolerance, surviving scenarios with less damage than should be possible. He’s survived massive falls with only being briefly stunned and explosions that should have killed him. Let’s also not forget his ability to withstand high voltage electricity:

With traps and combat experience ready to go, Snake won’t be defeated.
March 31st, 2023, 2:39 PM
Pissed Off
- Rep Power
- 1751718