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Thread: Fiction Fight Round 2 Match 1: Psycho666Soldier vs. MTR

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    The Fresh Maker Mazer's Avatar
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    Fiction Fight Round 2 Match 1: Psycho666Soldier vs. MTR

    The First round is done. Battles were fought. Legends were made.

    But now the air gets thinner, and there will be one winner.

    Psych vs. MTR

    Psycho666Soldier brings:

    Solid Snake

    -Highly Intelligent: IQ of 180, Has used his outwits to outsmart more powerful and devious foes
    -Military Training/Experience: Has been heavily trained in CQC and armaments, as well of years of experience enhancing both
    -Stealth: Is capable of sneaking into and through the most guarded of locations, with minimal starting equipment. Has access to various devices that help his sneaking, such as a stealth suit which grants virtual invisibility. Able to convince his enemies that he's a harmless box.
    Strength and Speed: Being genetically engineered from birth, Snake is more powerful than most well-trained humans. Has great speed that allows him to dodge something as fast as railgun fire.
    Increased Durability
    -Codex/Otacon Support: Has a codex radio that allows him to contact others through public and secret channels. Otacon is his man in the chair that provides him with information and objectives from afar.

    mtr brings Drizzt Do'Urden

    Drizzt Do'Urden

    Drow turned Ranger

    5'4" 130 lbs

    Fierce warrior that uses two scimitars named Twinkle and Icingdeath. Well adapted to meaning fighting styles and weapons. Would have been a weapons master had he stayed in the Underdark. Along with his scimitars he also tends to use a bow and arrow. He does have natural ability to do magic but has chosen to not rely on magic or potions. He wears bracers of the blinding strike on his ankles to help his already natural speed. He has armor of mithral chainmail and spider silk shirt that magically protects him from most lethal attacks.

    Has a figurine that allows him to call his black panther companion Guenhwyvar to his side to fight.

    They will fight in SUPER MARIO BROTHERS WORLD 1-1

    World 1-1 is the first level of World 1 in Super Mario Bros. The first screen of the level is also the game's title screen when starting it up. It contains the basics of the Super Mario Bros. game, getting the player ready for the journey ahead. The level consists of Magic Mushrooms, standard enemies such as Little Goombas and Koopa Troopas, a lot of coins, a hidden secret bonus area that allows the player to skip most of the level, Fire Flowers, pits, and a flagpole at the end. According to Shigeru Miyamoto, World 1-1 was one of the later levels created, due to the "fun" courses created first being more suited for late game, where players were more familiar with how Super Mario Bros. works.[1] Like all levels in Super Mario Bros., it returns in Super Mario Bros. 35, where it is known as Course 1-1.

    The above text is from the Super Mario Wiki and is available under a Creative Commons license. Attribution must be provided through a list of authors or a link back to the original article. Source:


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    It's time to separate the Fact....from the FICTION.

  2. #2
    OBJECTION Psycho666Soldier's Avatar
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    Snake takes one last drag off his cig before he is teleported to this new world. He gazes at the colorful 8-bit landscape and grins. This was perfect for him. First a familiar opponent, and now a familiar environment. His time spent in the Super Smash Bros. competitions has brought him to worlds just like this. He remembered the blocks provided powerups, and immediately contacted Otacon to help him locate exactly where each of the useful powerups would be. His first order of business would be running through and grabbing each power-up before his opponent can even find them - you never know when they might come in handy. If for whatever reason that proved easier said than done, he would make sure to make the star a priority.

    Between battles, he swapped the AP sensor for a set of claymores and his SOCOM pistol for a FAMAS assault rifle. With less innocents around, this area would prove as a more flexible playground for Solid Snake. Speaking of which, let’s review Snake’s capabilities.

    He is a master of stealth who has infiltrated the most well-protected facilities and survived or killed all that have tried to stop him, including the giant machines known as Metal Gears.

    He has been trained since childhood in CQC(close-quarters combat) and has surpassed his masters, never losing a physical fight he can’t escape from alive.

    Has incredible speed and evasive abilities that are beyond human capability.

    And has faced off against many supernatural enemies, including cyborgs, vampires, psychics, and bionically and genetically enhanced soldiers.

    There is no opponent that is beyond Solid Snake’s scope or expertise, and few that match his skills in weaponry. He is trained in all forms of warfare and has proven to have mastery over a wide range of military-grade equipment. No matter what his opponent brings, they will have a hard time avoiding Snake’s marksmanship. He is also clever with his equipment, already plotting to enter the secret room and set up a claymore explosive right in front of the only exit pipe.

    Also as explained, Snake has high durability and pain tolerance, surviving scenarios with less damage than should be possible. He’s survived massive falls with only being briefly stunned and explosions that should have killed him. Let’s also not forget his ability to withstand high voltage electricity:

    With traps and combat experience ready to go, Snake won’t be defeated.

  3. #3
    Pissed Off MTR's Avatar
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    Drizzt has won many battles over the years against various enemies in a lot of different environments. He has survived a long time and that is not ending anytime soon. This is definitely a strange world. It is nothing like he has ever seen before. There are not a lot of things to hide behind or use as protection. There are some strange mushroom creatures that look easy enough to just smash. Drizzt is used to strange creatures so he decides to focus on the environment and what he can try to use to his advantage. Maybe the odd green pipes can be used to move around. He starts to check out the blocks. Looks like they can be used to stand on and also can be smashed. Something to keep in mind and some look even different. He hit one of them hard and a weird item popped up which he pockets to exam as he has time. While he has never seen an environment like this before Drizzt always finds a way to win no matter the battle field.

    Drizzt pulls out a magical figurine and uses it to summon his black panther companion Guenhwyvar to keep him company while he continues to explore and wait for the fun to start. Guen shows up out of the magical mist and gives a low growl and settles next to his companion Drizzt.

    Drizzt also pulled out his scimitars Icingdeath and Twinkle and admired his wondrous weapons that will come into play later. He places them back and also checked to make sure his bow Taularmil and its quiver of never ending supply of lightning arrows were ready to go. His armour of mithral chainmail and enchanted spider silk shirt will help protect from the various attacks that will come his way and prevent anything from being lethal. His Bracers of the Blinding Strike on his ankles help him move faster than his enemies while striking and evading his foes. This comes into play during hand to hand fighting which Drizzt loves.

    Drizzt give his faithful companion a pet on the head and awaits confident as always that he will come out of this alive to see another day and enjoy the story with his friends.

  4. #4
    OBJECTION Psycho666Soldier's Avatar
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    Despite the strange color of his skin and the forgotten realm from which Drizzt hails, he was nothing different from those Snake has fought in the past. Snake’s familiarity with the environment as well as intel from Otacon allows him to take more advantage of the surroundings. The brightness of everything may actually be more detrimental to Drizzt, considering his time in the Underdark makes him susceptible to great sources of light. On the other hand, Snake is used to sneaking in the broad daylight, and with the pipes and blocks, different levels of elevation, and the secret area, he had plenty of ways to hide or otherwise lure Drizzt into a trap.

    For example, the aforementioned secret area where he could place a claymore. While the claymores explode once someone walks in range of its 90 degree target, Snake is able to disarm and replace them through his military knowledge and field experience. These claymores are also built with a stealth technology that makes them impossible to detect with the naked eye.

    With this setup, Snake could lure Drizzt into the pipe and force him to come into range of the claymore to exit the area, or forever be trapped in there. Or even set up claymores on both sides of the exit pipe - 2 on the ground, 2 on the raised platforms.

    If these shenanigans somehow do not work, he’d simply use the environment and his agility to corral Drizzt into the perfect position to fire some tranq rounds into him and Guenhwyvar. In fact, the moment he gets to shoot him, he’s loading Guen up to take her out of the equation. Drizzt may know how to use a bow, but they won’t match the speed of Snake’s bullets. Especially if he pulls out the FAMAS.

    As shown in the previous post, though, Snake is excellent at hand-to-hand combat and if he needs to get up close and personal with Drizzt, he’ll be able to disarm and overtake Drizzt. And he will know where to strike to get around his armor. Like aiming straight for the head.

    Snake makes note of the increased speed Drizzt has, and while it’s impressive, it reminds him of Vamp, another creature of immense speed. That didn’t stop him from being able to fill him with lead and beat him down.


    The story will be the same with Drizzt.

  5. #5
    Pissed Off MTR's Avatar
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    While Drizzt grew up in the Underdark and is used to even fighting blind when needed when he used to be able to conjure a globe of darkness around him and his foe and neither could see, he has been on the surface world enough now that the brightness doesn’t affect him at all.

    Drizzt may not be familiar with the environment but he adapts quickly and can use the different ledges to his advantage especially with his stealthy companion Guen who he can use to help corral and flush out his foe as needed.

    Drizzt does see that his foe has weapons he is not used to in the various guns. However he is used to fighting foes with weapons like bows and arrows and crossbows. He will just have to make sure he never gives his enemy the chance to use the guns and get in for hand to hand combat. Even if some shots do get fired his mithral armor will protect him from most of the damage.

    Snake may have fought his fair share of non-humans as well and succeeded only one human has ever been able to go toe to toe with Drizzt. The assassin Artemis Entreri had help with magical items in his fights with Drizzt and he was never able to beat Drizzt despite how hard they fought. Disarming Drizzt or hitting him in the head is not a simple thing at all when contending with his two scimitars.

  6. #6
    OBJECTION Psycho666Soldier's Avatar
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    You never addressed the claymores. At best, you may say Drizzt would not follow Snake into the pipe. If that's the case, he still has the claymores setup near the exit pipe. And Snake is a patient man. He'll camp on that side of the arena and stay covered, as the brick stairs left of the pipe would force Drizzt to get closer regardless of approach.

    If Drizzt follows Snake into the pipe, he'll have no choice but to pass the claymore to exit, or else otherwise be trapped in the bonus room forever and effectively forfeit the match.

    Guen may help, but it wouldn't be the first time Snake has dealt with multiple foes hunting him. Hell, he was even ambushed by four invisible super soldiers and took them out while barely breaking a sweat:

    This also shows his ability to handle four people hand-to-hand, proficiency with the FAMAS, and his durability to take bullets - all in a closed space. There's nothing Drizzt could do to keep Snake down. Again, if Guen gets involved, tranq rounds or FAMAS bullets will handle her before she realizes.

    The mithral armor may be strong, but it won't protect the head, and Snake is quite the sharpshooter, being able to headshot master sniper The End from far away, with a small window of opportunity:

    As I showed above and in my first post, Snake can handle multiple super soldiers and can disarm and neutralize them in seconds - with or without guns. Drizzt holding an extra weapon is a minor hindrance at best. We're talking a man who was cloned from Big Boss - a master of CQC who learned under and surpassed the creator of CQC, THE Boss. He also has heightened agility as shown and would be able to avoid Drizzt's attempts to "get in" and prevent gun attacks.

    And if Snake somehow gets overwhelmed, he has the nuclear option of the star power-up he grabbed, which would make him temporarily invincible, long enough to get in the key blows/shots he needs to finish Drizzt.

    Drizzt would give him an enjoyable fight, but it's one that Drizzt can't win. Between his adaptability, enhanced strength, skill and experience in stealth, weaponry, and CQC, and environmental intel, Solid Snake would leave Drizzt thoroughly defeated.

  7. #7
    Pissed Off MTR's Avatar
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    Drizzt is not going to follow Snake down into the pipe. He will follow and track but going down into the unknown seeing the kind of weapons Snake has, Drizzt and Guen would avoid the pipe to avoid any kind of trap left behind. Drizzt and Guen should be able to clear the pipe with the claymore from the brick stairs. If not then Drizzt and Guen are just going to bide their time and work on a way of forcing Snake back out. Could potentially cause a stalemate if neither are willing to budge.

    Good job taking out the invisible soldiers. However that was a closed space and you were basically able to just open fire with your gun all around you and take them out. You are not in a closed and tight space when fighting Drizzt and Guen. The duo have space to spread out and not be easy targets.

    Guen is from the Astral plane and is highly resistant to physical harm and things like tranqs. Guen has taken out and beaten literal monsters. Guen is also not an easy target to hit and neither is the head of Drizzt from a sniper position if you are able to get in one. Take the shots and see how you do.

    If Drizzt is not able to get close for hand to hand combat which may be the case then he can use Taulmaril and the never ending lightning arrows. These are not just ordinary arrows and bury themselves into stone and lightning affect. Even if Snake is able to avoid a direct hit from the arrows the arrows will cause damage to the area around him and he would not able to easy avoid the lightning affect of the arrows. Especially if several arrows come one right after another which Drizzt can easily do.

    Snake is not the only one that grabbed a power up from the mystery blocks. This strange flower seems to be able to give one the ability to throw fire. That would be a nice ability to give Guen so fire and lightning are coming at Snake from two different places.

    Snake can’t easily when this battle. Does he have advantages sure but so does Drizzt and this will be a battle that Drizzt can win and tell wondrous stories about for many years to come.

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    The Fresh Maker Mazer's Avatar
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    The Fresh Maker Mazer's Avatar
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    And now for our verdict

    Judge CWE

    Judge Caito

    Judge Blind Ninja

    And the win goes to

    Great job by both posters

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