Let's do our pre season picks. Same as always.
2 points per correct answer except for the Superbowl attendance where whoever is closest to the correct figure will be awarded 5 points, 2nd closest 3 points and 3rd closest 1 point.
Pre Season Predictions
AFC East Winner -
AFC North Winner -
AFC South Winner -
AFC West WInner -
NFC East Winner -
NFC North Winner -
NFC South Winner -
NFC West Winner -
AFC Wildcard 1 -
AFC Wildcard 2 -
AFC Wildcard 3 -
NFC Wildcard 1 -
NFC Wildcard 2 -
NFC Wildcard 3 -
AFC Champions -
NFC Champions -
Superbowl Winners -
League MVP -
Coach of the Year -
First Coach Fired -
Superbowl Attendance -