Please keep your shit to here. Nobody else cares and it makes the forum less enjoyable for everyone else.
Please keep your shit to here. Nobody else cares and it makes the forum less enjoyable for everyone else.
That's why I asked rather than told, I have no authority. I'm not looking for an argument, I just want the football thread to be clogged up with you and Romford arguing when no one else is interested.
I love that they're shit as well, and I love it when Liverpool are shit too. It just doesn't need to be so incessant to the point that no one else can really discuss anything.
Yeah agreed. He just takes it too far as he thinks it's still 2004 in here. I love it when Liverpool are shit so will continue to keep making asides about them, just too much fun![]()
So we're all agreed, nice work everyone.
Kofi Annan, former secretary general of the UN
I love it when Spurs are shit but there’s that 0.1% in me who would love to see Arsenal Fans like Romford and Bag of Cunt in excruciating pain if you win the league this season should we not. Still firmly 0.1% though. Hope you fucking liquidate.
The fact is that Liverpool aren't shit. They're an excellent side who are rightly seen as the best team in the country at this time.
You also take it too far. You respond every single time. You are his fish and he is the perfect fisherman. So maybe stop gobbling it up. Unless you actually love it, in which case this thread is perfect, as you are the only one who likes it.
I would genuinely love to talk about football with both of you. Despite any previous history, JS always had good insight into Liverpool and it's good to talk with fellow supporters. Football is just a game, but one that we all get a decent amount of pleasure out of (some more so, mainly the League Winners, CL winners, and the team that beat both Arsenal 3-0 on their own turf and Liverpool 7-2). But it gets to a point where the trolling and back and forth clogs it up way too much.