April 6th, 2013, 8:45 PM
Mafia Games
Alright, it's my return to mafia. I haven't run a game in a few years.
If you want to be given a more detailed version of the rules, you may go here:
or if you're a visual learner, like I am, here's a Flash Video that helps explain the basics as well, along with some of the different roles people can get.
1) virmicious (Confirmed)
2) Bert (Confirmed)
3) Torn (Confirmed)
4) kdestiny (Confirmed)
5) TimeSplitter (Confirmed)
6) mth (Confirmed)
7) Grimario (Confirmed)
8) Psycho666Soldier (Confirmed)
9) HHHnFoley_Rulez (Confirmed)
10) Bennedy (Confirmed)
11) Rip (Confirmed)
12) Judas Iscariot (Confirmed)
13) Kneeneighbor (Confirmed)
14) Cewsh (Confirmed)
15) Mills (Confirmed)
16) The Rick (Confirmed)
There are three "teams" in this game. The first being the Town (in this game played by the Survivors). The town do not know who each other are and are not allowed to communicate with each other in anyway outside of the in-game forums. The second being the Mafia (in this game played by the Prisoners). Those who's alignment is undetermined will be marked in Purple.
There are two phases (Day & Night).
Day Phase
In the Day Phase you both discuss and VOTE. Your attempt is to try to lynch a member of the mafia, so you need to be very careful in how you vote, simply because you don't want to vote for the wrong person. The Day Phase will last 48 hours. If there is not a majority vote then we will move on to the Night Phase with No Lynch.
You vote like this:
VOTE: Insert Name Here
If you change your mind after you already voted, you post this before you can vote again.
This lets me know not to count your previous vote.
If you wish to abstain from voting, you post the following:
VOTE: No Lynch
If there is a majority to No Lynch, then we will move into the Night Phase without a Lynch. While it prevents the lynching of a Mafia member, it also will save the lynching of an innocent Townie.
In some games, discussion can get started by placing a random vote on someone. This is not done because the person thinks that person is guilty, but more of a way to draw out discussion from people. However, a random vote is still a vote, so if a majority of people vote for the same person, it is still a lynch. To place a random vote on someone, you do this:
RANDOM VOTE: Insert Name Here
Night Phase
In the Night Phase, there is no discussion. This is where you send in your Night Roles (those that have one) via PM to me. Make sure you read your roles carefully to make sure you know what you are doing with your roles when you send them to me. The Night Phase will last no longer than 24 hours.
The Basics
1) Unless you are specifically told in your roles, you are not able to PM or communciate to anyone concerning the game. If you are caught doing so, you will be MODKILLED and banned from any further games.
2) You are not allowed to ROLECLAIM. This means you can't say something like "I'm the Cop, so don't vote for me!" Also don't do any BREADCRUMBING such as "Hey, don't vote for me, I can find out info on so and so." If everyone did that, then there would be no point in playing the game and it ruins the fun.
3) You are not allowed to edit any posts from here on out. If you screwed up something you said or want to clarify it, simply make a new post and post the following at the beginning of it: EBTWOP (edit by the way of post). If you edit a post, you may be MODKILLED.
4) After reading the rules and your role, you will need to CONFIRM that you received your role prior to Day 1. This will give you a chance to PM any questions concerning your role you might have. Everyone will need to CONFIRM your role in this thread before we move into the first Day phase.
5) BTW, in case you haven't noticed, I all caps certain words. Those are key words that are used in mafia games and will come up frequently through-out mafia games so it's important to know what they mean. There will be a test on this stuff later, so take notes
6) Once you are lynched or killed, you are no longer allowed to comment in this thread until after the game is over. Then you can discuss as much as you want, but not until the game is over.
7) If you are not participating in this game, please do not comment in this thread. This thread is only for people who are participating in the game. If you're interested, join the next game, as I'm sure there will be more.
8) To win, you have to do the following. For those in Town / Survivors, not only do you have to survive, but you also have eliminate all members of the Mafia / Prisoners. For those in Mafia / Prisoners, not only do you have to survive, but you also have to become the majority of players.
Day One
Previously on The Walking Dead...
The small band of Survivors escaped from Hershal's farm, managing to trap the majority of the Walkers' herd in the barn and setting it ablaze while they made their escape.
Unfortunately, they lost several in the process, but those that were still alive, planned to stay that way.
Rick Grimes stood by his car, a slight smirk on his face, as he looks at the maximum security prison before them.
"What do you think?" Daryl Dixon asks, still sitting on his hog, a crossbow strapped to his back.
"It's perfect," Rick says.
"It'll take some cleanin'" Daryl responds.
"Nothin' we can't handle," Michonne says, drawing her katana and making her way toward the partially open gates of the prison entrance.
It took some time, but they were able to clear the yard of the immediate threat of Walkers, and then made their way into the prison itself.
Cell by cell, hall by hall, they cleaned out the Walkers inside, until they came to a set of double doors marked Cafeteria. A chain and lock was on the outside, keeping whatever was inside safely inside. However, the thought of supplies, especially food was too much for the Survivors to pass up.
Tyrese measured his trusty hammer and brought it down hard across the lock. The lock busted and fell away. Rick pulled the chain off, and prepared to open the door.
Sgt. Abraham Ford nodded in unison with Tyrese and Daryl Dixon, and Rick opened the door, ready for anything.
Whatever they were expecting, it was not what they got, as there were four men in prison orange jumpsuits sitting around a round metal table, obviously shocked at the newcomers.
One of them, a grizzly looking old biker, Axel, has a dumbfounded look on his face, but then says, "You guys want some meatloaf?"
The Survivors moved into the prison, and every one lived happily ever after...
Things were not as pleasant as they appeared. The Survivors naturally mistrusted the Prisoners, as they were all convicted felons, and the Prisoners didn't trust the Survivors coming into the place they've called home since the beginning of this whole mess.
"Look, I don't get the big deal. We got plenty of food, more than enough room," Axel says, looking at the other three.
"I don't give a damn. What's ours is ours!" Dexter says sternly.
"Yeah, yeah, this prison is ours," the scrawny one, Andrew, echoes softly, barely heard by the others.
The four continued their conversation well into the night.
That night, Michonne slinked from an open cell, a rare smirk on her face. She wears nothing but a long t-shirt.
In the darkness, a feint light glistens off of Thomas's glasses and something else that he holds in his hands, as he slides into the same cell that Michonne just walked out of.
The sun rises as the Survivors begin to stir. Andrea and Dale are walking down the hall, and Dale glances at the cell.
"Oh my god!" Dale yells, rushing inside the cell. Andrea lets out a scream as she sees all the blood.
Tyrese has been killed.
Day One has started. You have 48 hours to determine a lynch. With 16 people playing, it takes 9 to lynch. All times are EST time. If you have any game play questions, just send me a PM. Remember to read the rules so there are no disqualifications or messing with the game. Good luck!
1) virmicious
2) Bert
3) Torn
4) kdestiny
5) TimeSplitter
6) mth
7) Grimario
8) Psycho666Soldier
9) HHHnFoley_Rulez
10) Bennedy
11) Rip
12) Judas Iscariot
13) Kneeneighbor
14) Cewsh
15) Mills
16) The Rick
Night One
Tyrese's death rocked the Survivors.
"You killed him!" Michonne yelled, rushing after Dexter and Andrew, katana being drawn, ready to draw blood.
"MICHONNE!!!" Shane says, grabbing ahold of her, wrapping his arms around her, as Dexter and Andrew quickly back away.
"The fuck lady," Dexter says, holding his hands up.
Rick Grimes, Glenn, and Maggie Greene rush over to the scene.
"They killed him. Those sons of bitches killed him!" Michonne yelled, struggling to free herself from Shane.
"We don't know that, Michonne," Shane says, tightening his grip on her.
"What are you saying, Shane? One of us did it?" Glenn asks, shaking his head.
"I didn't say that," Shane says, grunting, trying to hold on to Michonne. "This building's big. Lots of hiding places. We don't know they are the only ones that hid out here."
The dawning of this shows on the Survivors faces, as they almost instinctively look around. Suddenly, Lori and Carl Grimes rush around the corner.
"Dad!" Carl yells. "Walkers!"
This stops almost all accusations, as they rush toward the direction of where Carl is pointing. Several Walkers have infiltrated the main entrance hall. They slowly ramble toward the Survivors.
Daryl Dixon takes out his crossbow and fires a bolt off, striking one of the Walkers in the eye, dropping it immediately.
Glenn and Maggie rush in. Glenn has an aluminum baseball bat that he crashes into the head of another walker, while Maggie takes a machete and slams it into the skull of another one.
Abraham Ford slams a shovel straight into the face of one, while Shane drives a short ax straight up, lopping off half of the Walker's face.
Suddenly, a scream is heard, as more Walkers come, nearly overwhelming the Survivors.
"Fall back!" Rick yells, taking two quick shots at two different walkers.
The Survivors fall back, but as they do, Maggie trips and falls. Glenn turns too late, as three Walkers attack Bert, ripping into her flesh with their teeth as she screams!
Bert has been lynched. He was Maggie Green, Survivor aligned, Hider.
We are now in the Night Phase, you have 24 hours to send in your Night Role via PM. If you are not planning to use your role, please send a PM letting me know that as well. Please note there should be no game discussion during the Night Phase. Also remember, once you have been lynched / killed, you can say a goodbye post, but after that you must leave. Feel free to watch the game, but you have to wait until after the game is over to talk again.
1) virmicious
2) Torn
3) kdestiny
4) TimeSplitter
5) mth
6) Grimario
7) Psycho666Soldier
8) HHHnFoley_Rulez
9) Bennedy
10) Rip
11) Judas Iscariot
12) Kneeneighbor
13) Cewsh
14) Mills
15) The Rick
Lynched / Killed Players
1) Bert - Maggie Greene, Survivor
Day Two
Glenn yells and tries to rush back toward the Walkers that were ripping Maggie to pieces. Rick Grimes and Sgt. Abraham Ford grab him, both knowing it is too late. Despite the fact that he struggles with them, they are able to pull him to the safety of the inner walls. Shane slams the door short, while Dale drops the bar across it, locking it in place.
"Fuck!" Daryl says, shaking his head, looking at Glenn. Glenn pulls away from the Survivors and walks away, distraught.
The Prisoners walk in, just as Hershall notices that Maggie is not among the group.
"Rick...where's..." Hershall asks, but stops when he sees Rick's eyes. "No...no..."
Hershall's head drops as he walks away. Hershall stops for a moment, seeing virmicious standing there, his arm bleeding, not from a bite, but from something that happened during the chaos of the incident. He knows in his head he should help, but at the moment, he just didn't give a damn about anything, and he walks away, leaving virmicious to his injuries.
Glenn drops down against the wall, using his hands to cover his face. There were tears in those eyes that he didn't want people to see. He had to put it aside. They couldn't use someone who was grieving. It was a safety concern. He had to be strong for the good of the entire group. He lowers his hands, and his eyes lock on Rip, watching him for the rest of the night.
Rick shakes his head as he walks over to Grimario. "I need to talk to you," Rick says, pointing at him. They talk for several moments, before Rick gets the information he needs and he walks away.
Dexter watches the scene unfold, and walks over to Grimario as well. Grimario refuses to talk to him, and Dexter slinks away, as he is obviously not the man he is looking for.
Lori walks over and puts her hand on virmicious. She asks him if he can go find Carl for her. Despite virmicious injury, he agrees and walks away to go find him. It looks like he won't be much use this day.
Andrew walks up to Psycho666Soldier, saying something to him, but as soon as he does, Psycho666Soldier lays a fist across his jaw. Andrew returns the punch, but when that does very little, he takes off running.
Andrew runs through a doorway, but then stops, realizing it's not where he wanted to go. He turns to see Sgt. Abraham Ford standing at the opening, and before he can do anything, Ford closes the door locking it behind him.
It was then that Andrew heard a noise behind him. He slowly turns around, just as two Walkers pounce on him. Andrew tries to scream as one of the Walkers rips into his throat but it comes out as a low gurgle as his vocal cords are ripped apart. Cewsh's eyes glaze over as the Walkers begin to feed.
In another part of the prison, Shane steps through a cell door.
"Look, I'm done with this group, and your people are survivors. I think we can work out some kind of arrangement," Shane says to someone standing in the shadows.
Thomas steps out of the shadows, a smile on his face.
"I don't think so," Thomas says, driving his blade into Shane's gut. Shane's eyes widen as he realizes too late what happened. He stumbles backwards, as Thomas follows him, stabbing him several more times. Shane drops to the ground, slowly bleeding out, as Thomas drops down to one knee, raising the knife. "Wouldn't want you coming back, now, would we?"
He drives the knife into Mills's skull. Thomas wipes the blade off before calmly walking away.
Cewsh was killed. He was Prisoner-aligned Roleblocker, Andrew.
Mills was killed. He was Survivor / Prisoner-aligned Traitor, Shane.
The Day Phase has begun. With 13 players left, it takes 7 to lynch. The Day Phase will last 48 hours or until a lynch happens.
1) virmicious
2) Torn
3) kdestiny
4) TimeSplitter
5) mth
6) Grimario
7) Psycho666Soldier
8) HHHnFoley_Rulez
9) Bennedy
10) Rip
11) Judas Iscariot
12) Kneeneighbor
13) The Rick
Lynched / Killed Players
1) Bert - Maggie Greene, Survivor
2) Cewsh - Andrew, Prisoner
3) Mills - Shane, Prisoner
Last edited by Mr_Nobody; April 13th, 2013 at 8:51 AM.
April 6th, 2013, 8:49 PM
Dragon Believer
- Rep Power
- 0