Or Steamboat could have christened him "American Dragon" himself. I hadn't even thought of that.
Or Steamboat could have christened him "American Dragon" himself. I hadn't even thought of that.
Nice roster that's extremly diverse and has a good set of coaches. I just hope most get the chance to join Raw or Smackdown instead of just the winner and the rest go back to developmentel. My only problem is now with WWE having only 2 main wrestling brands, the 15 spots that ECW had now have to slot into the already loaded Raw and Smackdown shows.
I've watch bits of FCW recently and most of the guys in this look to have major potential, the only guys I haven't seen are Darren Young and whoever that Daniel Bryan fellow is....I've never actually watch a Danielson match, so lets hope his work is as good as everyone raves about, him and Miz should make for great TV.
From what I've seen David Otunga looks to be the furthest away from being called up, he looked very green from what I saw.
Also It's smart not to have all the major FCW guys in series one, as this show is reported to last as 16 week seasons. Still plenty of talent to fill up next season including Kaval, Henning, Dibiase, Johnny Curtis and a few others.
I actually can't wait for this, but am worried that all the ECW guys will get completely lost on Raw and Smackdown. A third wrestling brand was actually needed for the amount of guys on the roster. But I guess they can always cut plenty of people.
I already hate Heath Slater just from his profile photo.
I can't believe this Otunga guy is dating Jennifer Hudson.