First season in the books.
And holy shit.
I don't care if I know what happens, I am getting the book.
First season in the books.
And holy shit.
I don't care if I know what happens, I am getting the book.
Oh look at me, I have Showtime so I get to watch acclaimed television seriesisessies.
I've still got to watch The Wire and Weeds; stop adding to the list.
EDIT: For clarification, I'm fully aware The Wire is on HBO. I don't get that in the dorm either.
Your dorm doesn't have any premium channels? Mine had at least HBO. Bummer.
Sorry to add to your list, but it was really awesome.
I've heard good things about this series. I might have to add it to the growing list of incredible american dramas to download.
Just started watching this. So far, it is fucking brilliant.
It sags somewhat near the end of the first half, but then it picks up again in to awesomocity.
I'm watching it off TVLinks, which only has 12 that all there is? I thought US seasons were usually 24 episodes![]()
12 sounds about right. It wasn't a normal TV broadcast, it was a premium channel show (like The Sopranos, and Six Feet Under, etc).
I actually watched this entire series (via torrent) while I was vacationing in Miami/Key West. It was a complete coincidence that I heard of this show while I was there, and after I watched the first episode I was completely hooked. Fucking brilliant show. Watching it in Miami made me realize how vividly it captured the South Beach 'vibe'. Michael C. Hall is one of my favorite TV actors at the moment, and besides him the supporting cast is superb. The story itself is obviously awesome; I can't wait till the next season.
Thrilled that a thread was made for it![]()
Yeah, too bad I made the thread nearly 4 and half months ago.![]()
Blah. Glad it was bumped, then.
i can't wait for the new season to start! this show is awesome!
Anyone else watching this in the UK at the moment? I meant to start watching when it first started, but I didn't get round to it. FX had a catch up on Saturday night, though, showing episodes one to five, so I'm up to date now. It's really, really good. I like it more and more with each episode.
I actually meant to bump this thread a few weeks ago, but I forgot all about it. When I bought Zodiac at Wal-Mart, it came with a bonus disc that has the first two episodes of Dexter on it. I'd heard of the show before, and was really interested in seeing it, so I was excited about this. I watched both of those episodes before I even got to the movie, and I was blown away. So blown away, in fact, that I almost immediately went and picked up the book that the show was based on, Darkly Dreaming Dexter, as well as it's sequel, Dearly Devoted Dexter. Needless to say, I'll be getting the season 1 DVD set the day it comes out (August 21st, I believe), and would highly recommend this show to anyone else as well.
"My name is Tim Buckley. I'm a twenty-four-year-old gamer. I’ve played every violent video game in existence, and I have never killed anyone. There are millions of gamers just like me, and we’re getting sick of people like you blaming your problems on us. Ignorance causes violence, not video games. Man up and take responsibility. We outnumber you, and the people that think like you. Don’t fuck with us.”
Oh yeah, I just finished up the book, picked it up for my vacation. I like how the book was actually pretty damn short and the series fleshed it out a thousand fold (the stuff with Rita, extra "victims of the week" for Dex, more Deborah/LaGuerta political stuff, more Doakes, Angel's side story). Though...wasn't Angel a detective in the series, not the ME like the book?
Apparently, there are leaks of the first two episodes of season two all around. And, ahem, from what I've heard, they're excellent.
I'm amazed how I read this whole thread and still have no clue what the hell Dexter is about.
Anyone care to inform?
Dexter is about Dexter Morgan, a blood spatter analyst for the Miami police, who also happens to be a sociopathic serial killer. However, he follows "the code of Harry" a set of rules taught to him by his foster father, a former cop, while Dexter was still young. Because of this code, he only kills people who deserve it, such as other serial killers, and also does his best to blend in with other people (for example, having a relationship) in order to prevent people from realizing what he is.Originally Posted by Dodgy Browne
Last edited by KorruptJustice; August 16th, 2007 at 10:28 AM.
Harry is his FOSTER father. Important distinction.
Yep, you're right. My bad.
EDIT: Foster father, yeah. That's what I said.![]()
The opening credits alone are great!
Just finished watching Season 1 after not being able to get around to watching it for awhile. It was simply amazing. There were a lot of things changed from the book, which normally is something that annoys me, but for the most part I thought all of the changes that were made were just as good, if not better, than what was written.
The last episode may be my favorite hour of television ever, especially the brief moment
Really interested to see where this show goes in Season 2. Sucks that I don't have Showtime though, so I'm going to have to find a place to download it online.
Just finished watching it myself, and GODDAMN how gripping did this get towards the end. I fucking LOVED it. Cant wait for season 2.
I haven't seen Dexter but The Wire is incredible:
I just finished watching the first season and what an amazing show. I love shows that make you hate a character at the beginning and then make you want to see them succeed.
The only thing I'm worried about is how the second season will fare. I know with Veronica Mars the first season mystery was so ingrained in the character that the second season mystery didn't pack the same oomph that the first did.
Has anyone bought Dexter in the Dark yet? I got it when it came out on Tuesday, and just finished it. Kind of disapointing, to be honest. Definitely the worst of the three books.
I really think that the book suffers from the loss of Doaks.Also, the explanation of the Dark Passenger didn't really work for me.
I'm kinda bummed out, because after the first two books, and the TV show, I had really high expectations for the book. Hopefully the fourth one will be better (if there is one).
Last edited by KorruptJustice; September 21st, 2007 at 6:38 PM.
So far so good on Season 2. When Doakes catches Dexter at the NA meeting, which gives him the explanation he's been looking for on to why Dexter sneaks around and why he's a bit off, that was an awesome scene. Dexter realizing just how good the situation turned out for him and "joining in" with the clapping as a result was sublimely done.
I fucking LOVED that. Doakes' smile when he is reavealed in the doorway got me thinking "oh shit, he heard all that" and I thought that now he had something on Dexter. Then within just a couple of seconds, the whole thing turned, and we realised that Doakes now thinks he's found whats really up with Dexter was like, GENIOUS. And Doakes even seemed to mellow on Dexter, like he was sympathising with him. Great stuff.
Im not sure I like where we are going with Rita though, like she is going to become jealous. I dont want to see this turned into a soap. But I have great faith in the writiers as theyve provided us with fantastic stuff thusfar and fully expect it to continue.
Just spent the afternoon getting caught up on Season 2 of Dexter. I think episode 3 may be my favorite episode of the series yet. Probably the only one that I would put above it is the season one finale. The ending of episode 4 was good and I can't wait to download the next one.
There's only been a couple of problems with season 2 so far. The first is the fact that the actor who played Cody has changed. I always hate it when they do this on a show. The second is the Pascal character. I can't stand her,The only other problem with me was that Angel was really annoying the first couple of episodes, but I really thought that he was awesome in episode 4.
Am I the only one that thinks that Doakes is the greatest character on this show (besides Dexter, of course)? That's probably the one thing about the ending of episode 3 I didn't like, just because it meant that Doakes wouldn't be following Dexter around anymore.
Don't worry, I'm sure something will re-pique Doake's instincts in Dexter. The dynamic just isn't the same.
However, I have this feeling that even if Dexter is under suspicion, Doakes will also be because of his past, in the BHB investigation.
Do any of you guys know where I can watch Dexter online? I had been watching season 2 on youtube but they had to take them down. I can't find the season 2 episodes anywhere.
My girlfriend recently bought Season 1, and this show is way too addictive. It's just crazy how the show can make you laugh seeing a serial killer try to understand (and fake) the emotions and ideals of a normal person. I mean, humor isn't really a huge part of the show, but a few of the situations that Dexter has been in are absolutely hilarious.
I also like how, as previously mentioned, you can go from feeling indifferent toward Dexter at the beginning, or outright disliking him. But as the show progresses, you eventually find yourself cheering him on.
Excellent show.
The latest episode was incredible. Dexters rage is terrifying considering we always see him so calm. Really loved it.
That guy has every single episode uploaded in excellent quality.
I don't know whether Showtime is having an extended preview or something, but about two weeks ago I just happened to find out that I get one Showtime channel. Having heard a lot about Dexter, and wanting to check is out for awhile now, I watched a few of the season two episodes and got hooked. Went and bought the season one set two days ago and breezed through the entire thing, and am now catching up on the season two episodes I missed. The show is intoxicating. As soon as I finish one episode, I immediately crave another. Even after spending fifteen hours in the last two days watching this series, I want more and more. I've never been so entranced by a television show. Not even The Sopranos had me like this.
Oh man, Dexter made Doakes his bitch last night. That was awesome. He tells Doakes he'll never get him because he's always one step ahead of him, basically telling him what he's about to do, and then gets Doakes looking like a complete unhinged psycho in front of the entire department.
holy shit, this show is gettin intense. each week, dexter is just gettin more psycho. i love it.
lila turning into a crazy person is fun too. fuckin smokin hot, that lady is.
Last edited by Slim Shady; November 12th, 2007 at 7:35 PM.
That was some major mental shit right there. What Dexter did to Doakes had me literally cheering for him! Immense!
All this time I thought Lila aas a good'un, but I guess not.
Loved the symbolism at the end when Dexter notices the lightbulb has been fixed, and he thinks back to how Lila always takes things into her own hands to get what she wants. Makes you wonder if he has her figured out already.
I also marked out for Deborah saying Clusterfuck!
Just watched episode 9 last night. Loved the Dexter/Doakes confrontation.
"Jesus Christ!"
"You said that already."
I'm really looking forward to the last 3 episodes of this season.