Rajah.com Forums FAQ

Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links or search box below to find your way around.


- No more than two images allowed per sig. - Images should be no more than 400x400 and no more than 50k. - Total signature length (images and text together) should not exceed the length of a typical post (roughly 10-12 lines max). - If you post a one-liner, don't include your sig with it.

Name Changes

Members are only allowed one name change. If you feel it is a must, send linenoyz or Rajah a Private Message. If you're still unsatisfied with your username, you probably should've thought of a better one to begin with. Your only other option is to request your account to be deleted and re-register under a new name. You will, of course, lose all your posts and so on. Sorry.

Ranks / Custom Status

Your rank/status is that bit of text below your username when you make a post. By default, it shows a different rank based on the amount of posts you've made. The scale goes something like this: 0-49 - Jobber 50 - 499 - Midcarder 500 - 999 - Cruiserweight Champion 1000 - 4999 - Intercontinental Champion 5000 - 9999 - Main Eventer 10000 - 29999 - World Champion 30000+ - Legend You can change your custom status (the line below your username when you post) through the User CP menu. To see it, click: User CP -> Edit Profile It's located under Custom User Text. You can type up to 25 characters in this box. Sorry, HTML and vB code are not allowed. Now some of you may be wondering why it's not listed. Here's why: You need to be a member for X amount of days as well as have X amount of posts. Just be patient and post normally. Once you've met the criteria, you can change your status from Jobber or Light Heavyweight Champion to whatever you like.* *Note: Some words have been disabled from the status. If your status shows *****, you've picked one.

Color Codes

Many of you have been asking for a list of color codes you can use with vB. Here are a few pages with lists and codes used. Just a reminder, to use colors with vB, type it like this (with [ ] instead of { }). {color=#FFFFFF} {/color} {color=cornflowerblue} {/color} Note: Do NOT use spaces OR quotations. If you are using a hexadecimal color code, it MUST be started with the # symbol. [url]http://hotwired.lycos.com/webmonkey...ce/color_codes/[/url] [url]http://www.mrs.umn.edu/committees/w...lbox/color.html[/url]

Search FAQ

Select this option if you would like your search to look in the text of FAQ items as well as their titles.

Select an option here to specify how you would like your search query to be treated. 'Any words' will return the most numerous but possibly least relevant results, while 'Complete phrase' will return only results that contain exactly what you are searching for.