
AEW Wednesday Night Dynamite

Rating: 3 votes, 4.67 average.
Quote Originally Posted by Sasori View Post
I'm not sure I get your criticism either, Nash. AEW has done a good job utilizing the roster they have. Jericho mixing it up with less established guys and making them look credible is going to help build the company for the long term.
I agree. I think Jericho has done well building the younger and lesser experienced talent thus far. Although it seems the Inner Circle has lost most of it's steam. It feels like they lose more matches than they win at the moment. Waiting for Pride and Powerful to get a nice push
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  1. ILoveTonyKhan's Avatar
    Jericho has done well in being boring.
  2. ILoveTonyKhan's Avatar
    Jericho is still boring